VMware Tanzu/Aria – #CFD18

Kicking off with NAME CHANGES AGAIN! Is this a yearly thing?

I expected to hear about Aria, and instead it’s all Tanzu now. What does it mean!? Well now that Tanzu has control of the lifecycle of cross-cloud services, lets talk a bit about Tanzu Transformer, and migration practices.

Tanzu transformer looks like it lives in Tanzu Hub, hopefully we will find out more about what they will dictate around this solution as well.

Tanzu Hub looks ominous like Aria Graph

Oh look dependancies! Its worth noting that this is one of the biggest issues when doing a migration because if they don’t move together issues will arise.

Tanzu Hub! Ok let’s talk about what this new “hub” thing is… or is it just Aria Hub? hmmm… **Confirmed, Its just a rebranding of Aria Hub, to Tanzu Hub**

I have to admit that the solutions ability to see the relationships with Tanzu Hub, and its graph database has always been impressive

So now let’s talk about Guardrails which came from a small Idem project based off of Salt. Really cool solution to see in our environment.

The understanding behind Guardrails is to maintain compliances and solutions to ensure what is built is kept in a specific way.

Findings in guardrails are the compliance requirements that are continuously changed and updated, placed against your environment and then bubbles up what needs to be adjusted or changed in order to maintain compliance.

Now to talk about insights, which is really cool but hey FREE TIER!

Insights looks a lot like wavefront which also looks like observability. So it’s like, Log intelligence, plus Aria Operations, then wavefront? It’s a lot of products plugged in together. However it has one of the coolest solutions which is Tanzu Intelligent Assist which showed some amazing ability to query the data for the user

Moving on to Tanzu CloudHealth.

Also major props to TJ for having a sick office, and desktop background.

Back to cloud health the demonstration showed us how we are able to find the high cost users and validate what they are doing. This allows organizations to find the higher cost in the environments, and place it against what they should be spending. Also is built in for right-sizing as well as other decisions against what they are billing in the cloud like reserved instances, spot instances, etc.

My thoughts:

VMware has an amazing suite of products to help people that are not in the cloud. The renaming of products has got to stop because at the end of the day we, the customers, are confused what they are actually talking about. The number of times we had to ask where these came from so we could understand if this was a net new product or a rebranding of multiple products was draining. We don’t want to push the narrative that rebranding products should never happen in fact sometimes they absolutely should to show that these new products are either a combination of new products or an addition of new features, but VMware’s at the point where we have gone through the rodeo several times, and we’re numb to it and frustrated and have to ask repeatedly, “Is this new or a rebranding?”

Speaking specifically to the actual services we saw, I am not embellishing to say that I think the suite of combined products are awesome. When we think of VMware we think of their vSphere and vCenter products and the solutions that they provide, but this whole presentation they used the term “cloud” more than they said either of those two products. So Cross-Cloud services are here to stay and I am excited to see where they go. That is, if they go past 10/30 acquisition. Godspeed cross-cloud services!

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